5 técnicas simples para Mario de Oliveira

This work presents a system based on a microcomputer to assess the performance of infant incubators in a semi-automatic manner.

The baths are described by Lindblad dissipators which are constructed by direct coupling to the fermionic normal modes of the chain. Using a perturbative method, we are able to find analytical formula...

"Actúa como una filial por la China autoritaria": las duras críticas del vicepresidente do EE.UU. a la NBA por "doblegarse" ante el gigante asiático

The transition between the biaxial nematic and biaxial smectic is continuous as well as the transition between the nematic phases and the transition between the smectic p...

The politician’s lawyer says an immigration official has denied travel authorization from Spain, where the separatist leader is wanted for sedition and misuse of public funds

Nonequilibrium phase transitions can be typified in a similar way to equilibrium systems, for instance, by the use of the order parameter.

According to Langevin, a particle performing a random movement, which we call Brownian motion, is subject to two forces. One dissipative, which we assume to be proportional to its velocity, and another of random character due to the impact of the particle with the molecules of the medium. Considering the simple case of a one-dimensional motion alon...

Nonequilibrium phase transitions can be typified in a similar way to equilibrium systems, for instance, by the use of daniel dantas facebook the order parameter.

Liquid crystals are substances which exhibit thermodynamic phases intermediate between crystalline solid and ordinary liquid, called mesophases, which are distinct from both ordinary liquid and crystalline solid.

La Universidad Rovira i Virgili es el único centro que no han flexibilizado aún el modelo click here de evaluación

En un minuto: Extrema alerta en California ante fuertes vientos que pueden avivar aún más los incendios

Non-equilibrium systems under temperature daniel valente dantas modulation are investigated in the light of the stochastic thermodynamics. We show that, for small amplitudes of the temperature oscillations, the heat flux behaves sinusoidally with time, a result more info that allows the definition of the complex heat capacity. The real part of the complex heat capacity is the dyn...

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The latter corresponds to the interior of a spherical shell, where the dimensions of the rods are comparable to the radius of curvature of the container: they have to accomodate to fill the available space, leadin...

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